Project: 100 Paintings of Giv'at Ada
I've set out on a local art project: Painting one hundred plein air paintings of Givat Ada :)
On this page you can track my progress in the gallery,
Skip down to read all about the project and how to participate,
And see who is already a patron.
You don't have to be a local to enjoy local art! :) Here are the paintings so far:
הילה סינדר ישראל
מוטי הררי
רבקה שטיין דורון
לי דורון
מירית דקל דהאן
חנה לוי
אייל מיכאלי
רוני אורן
אופיר גומא
אורנה ויניק
רון כהן
תומר וינר
הגר לוי
דניאל פרנקנטל
רותם פלינט
אפרת סטרטינר
נילי ססלר
ענת קאופמן
שירה פרוינד
מירי ראוך
מיכל קזס
נוגה הרץ
גילית אשכנזי
תומר מור
שמואל ברוקשטיין
עירית ואלכס נובק-קורולוב
ניר ומורן זעירי
עמית בן-משה
יפעת גרוס
איל טפרברג
יעל לשם
מיה מיטלפונקט
שושנית עציון
Kacey Yegorov
דרור מזרחי
אביה חלבי
טלי בנאי וארז גרנות
דפנה קושניר
עמית בן משה
יפעת גרוס-אריאב
אפרת רביבו יואל
רעות גורדון-מיכאלי
דוד עמירם
Hi neighbors and friends!
For those who don't know me, my name is Netta Canfi, and I am an artist.
About two weeks ago I started a local art project: every day (when it's not raining!) I go out with my easel to paint the beautiful spots in and around Giva't Ada, my home town.
If you see me walking around the paths behind the houses, then that's why. Of course I will not enter the yards without permission.
I do walk around the orchards to paint the trees in their stunning bloom, but I am very careful not to touch anything or disturb the work in the orchard.
On the other hand - if you want me to draw your cute corner as part of the project, I would be happy if you invited me!
So, what’s the project?
The plan is to draw one hundred small paintings.
Each painting is the work of one intense session, outdoors, from direct observation, in Plein Air.
This type of painting captures the spirit of the moment, the first impression of color and atmosphere, a sudden effect of light, or reveals something we hadn't noticed before.
What will it be when it's done?
In the end there will be a series of one hundred fresh and refreshing paintings of the beautiful and special landscapes of the hill.
I will scan all the paintings and make a virtual album, that you can browse and share with the world.
The most successful ones will become a series of postcards of local scenery.
I invite you to participate in the project!
How to participate:
Suggest interesting places for painting around the hill.
Please tell me about the most beautiful spots you know! -
Come say hello to me if you see me drawing, it's nice and you don't disturb me at all.
Follow me on Instagram or Facebook and see what I drew today, say what you liked the most, and share with your friends :)
Not on social media? Once a week I put together everything in an email update from the studio - you can sign up for studio updates in the form below.
While the work itself is a form of introspection and meditation of one person, art, by its very nature, cannot exist without the support of the community.
That is why I am writing to invite you to participate in the creative process, and also to ask for your support in bringing it into the world.
The creation of such a series of paintings has material costs, labor time, as well as print and digital production costs.
If my work moves you, if it means something to you, please consider supporting the project at one of the following levels:
25 NIS / 7$
Pre-order a set of postcards, at a cost of NIS 25 for a set of five units.
Your name will appear on the information page about the project on the website as supporters.
You will receive regular updates from me on how the project is progressing, and you can vote on which postcards will appear in the set.
250 NIS / 70$
Purchase one of the paintings in the series for NIS 250 (first come, first served). Missed your favorite painting? I can paint another version for it.
Your name will appear on the information page about the project on the website as art patrons.
A set of 5 postcards.
You will receive regular updates from me on how the project is progressing, and you can vote on which postcards will appear in the set.
800 NIS / 220$
Order a custom painting of your beloved spot, outside of the one hundred paintings of the series.
It will be 30X42cm in size, more detailed than the paintings in the series, framed and ready to hang.
One round of changes in the painting.
Your name will appear on the information page about the project on the website as art patrons.
A set of 5 postcards.
You will receive regular updates from me on how the project is progressing, and you can vote on which postcards will appear in the set.
Please select your choice in one of the products below; the store has a friendly checkout process :)
If you are in Israel you can pay with Bit or Paybox to this number: 054-4644-512.
I am a licensed dealer and you will receive a tax invoice.
Support of any kind is very meaningful to me, and I am grateful for it.
At its core, Givat Ada's One Hundred Paintings series comes from love for this place that has become my home.
I hope you will join me on the paths and in the orchards, on a journey to discover how the everyday and practical becomes a beauty that expands the heart.
Support the 100 Paintings Project:
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